• Tooth Anatomy

    Tooth Anatomy This illustration shows the anatomy of a tooth and gums as well as the supporting structures that surround a tooth. Glossary of Terms: Blood vessels carry nutrients to the tooth. Bone alveolar bone forms the tooth socket and provides it with support. Cementum the

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  • Tooth Decay

    What is tooth decay? Tooth decay is another name for the disease known as "caries", or cavities. A cavity is the result of your tooth enamel, dentin, or cementum being destroyed over long-term exposure to harmful bacteria and other germs. Cavities, while not life threatening and highly preventable,

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  • Tooth Extraction

    When restoration procedures such as root canal therapy, crowns or fillings are not enough to save a tooth, it may need to be pulled, or extracted. Tooth extraction procedures today are vastly less painful than ever before, thanks to powerful anesthetics and sedatives. In many cases, a patient who has

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  • Tooth Problems

    Impacted teeth Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that erupt in the back corners of the upper and lower normal adult mouth. Unfortunately, most people experience problems from wisdom teeth; in most cases, this is because the teeth erupt too close to existing permanent teeth, causing

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  • Tooth Sensitivity

    Tooth Sensitivity Do you have or do you know someone who has sensitive teeth? If your answer is yes, you will have a true appreciation for the content of this page. What is tooth sensitivity? It can be defined as a painful reaction in one of more teeth triggered by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods

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